“I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith.
2 Timothy 4:7
Kennedi Rose Diaz
Kennedi loved her shoes, but not before her people. “Anything you need,” she would often say. When she was 10 years old, she gave away her first pair of shoes to a sweet boy named Obama, whom she met on a mission trip to Africa. Whenever she noticed a friend in need of new kicks, she'd borrow her Dad's credit card to go buy them shoes.
The last 8 months of her life, Kennedi walked in her shoes with cancer. From her view, no one should ever have to go through such an illness. But as she would tell you, she overcame.
Kennedi had a beauty that many would come to admire, not because she was Kennedi, but because she had a heart full of Jesus. She loved to worship, requesting a worship service in her last days and still trying to raise her hands in praise through the worst of it.
Kennedi had victory in her journey. Worship, her battle cry. Jesus, her rock. She overcame. And when she took her last breath, she rang her cancer-free bell in heaven. What a day it was when that little girl returned to her savior.
She fought the good fight. She finished the race. She kept the faith.
T H E H A N D S & F E E T
The Diaz Family & The KK4L Foundation
Kennedi had the favor of God upon her from the day she was born until the day she departed from this earth to be with her Father in Heaven. She only lived for 16 years and a half years, but she lived her years full of life and love. Knowing who and what awaited her, she left this earth full of undeniable peace. We are very honored to call this amazing young lady our daughter.
Through her foundation, we will continue her legacy of loving others through the giving of shoes. Kennedi’s Kicks 4 Life is specifically geared towards cancer patients, walking in the same shoes that she did. We want to love others the way Jesus commanded and the way Kennedi sought to love her friends and family. We are determined to share her heart of giving and service with as many people as we can.